世界日報 2020年9月26日報導:
2020年9月24日, 世界和平獎頒獎委員會暨世界和平獎宗教領袖授稱委員會主席Suz i Leggett女士來到世界佛教總部所屬的聖蹟寺, 代表世界和平獎委員會和世界和平獎宗教領袖授稱委員會作出終極宣 布:H.H.第三世多杰羌佛退回佛教教皇的冊封令和教皇權杖是無 效的,世界佛教教皇只能屬於H.H.第三世多杰羌佛, 任何人無權代替得了!
早在2018年, 世界和平獎頒獎委員會和世界和平獎宗教領袖授稱委員會經過詳細考 察評審,正式冊封H.H.第三世多杰羌佛為世界佛教教皇, 冊封令和教皇權杖由時任兩會主席的韓明洙先生簽字頒授。但是, 讓所有人跌破眼鏡的是,第三世多杰羌佛對“世界佛教教皇” 這個崇高的地位和巨大的榮譽毫無感覺,沒有接受這個冊封, 第三世多杰羌佛說:“佛教界有佛、菩薩、法王、活佛、法師、 高僧大德、聖德的稱謂,不需要教皇,我是一個慚愧的修行者, 擔當不了這個重任。” 當世界佛教總部把接收到的冊封令和教皇權杖呈遞給H.H.第三世 多杰羌佛以後,H.H.第三世多杰羌佛看到權杖上有南無釋迦牟尼 佛的座像,當即把教皇權杖舉起,高過自己的頭頂, 以表敬重娑婆佛教教主南無釋迦牟尼佛。可沒有想到,H.H.第三 世多杰羌佛直接將冊封令和教皇權杖退回給了世界和平獎委員會和世 界和平獎宗教領袖授稱委員會。
在本次的宣布中,Leggett主席說:“幾十年來, 本會給裡根總統、印度聖雄甘地、拉賓總理以及很多國家的總統、 總理頒授了世界和平獎,從沒有退回的先例, 凡是本會做出的決定並已經實施了的,是十分嚴肅認真的決定, 絕不予以更改。……H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛教皇退回教皇權杖及冊封令的做法是不成立的, 世界佛教教皇權座只屬於H.H.第三世多杰羌佛, 其他任何人不得使用,此為永久性不可更變的定論!”由於H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛還是拒絕接受,當場,Leggett主席將被H. H.第三世多杰羌佛退回的冊封令和教皇權杖, 再次交給了世界佛教總部。
莫知尊者代表世界佛教總部, 接收了兩會冊封南無第三世多杰羌佛為世界佛教教皇的冊封令及教皇 權杖,表態說:“世界佛教總部認為, 兩會的決定是十分正確英明的!自南無釋迦牟尼佛報化以後, 就沒有一位如佛陀一樣統領大眾佛教徒的最高領袖,但是, 教皇權位必須是非單一佛教派別的領袖有資質擔當的, 而唯一只有統攝整個佛教的領袖——佛陀。 南無第三世多杰羌佛圓滿佛教教法,符合各派認證的佛陀標準, 符合佛陀本質,符合佛陀內證覺量,僅憑佛陀本質拿杵上座,上超5 9段,就無人能達到此標準。南無羌佛符合佛陀德境,顯密圓通、 妙諳五明等,全部符合圓滿,實屬佛陀覺量。 此世界無有第二位佛教聖德具此資質,僅憑發願一生義務利生, 不收供養,圓融無礙,就無有聖德可及。只有南無第三世多杰羌佛, 才能擔負佛教教皇這一崇聖無比的重擔,導正學佛正規的途徑。 因此,世界佛教總部代表佛教徒們, 非常感謝世界和平獎委員會和世界和平獎宗教領袖授稱委員會最終做 出的決定。”
下面即是世界和平獎委員會和世界和平獎宗教領袖授稱委員會主席S uzi Leggett宣讀的兩會聯合決議:
當今世界佛教比較混亂,必須有一位絕對佛教領袖來統領指正方向, 所有佛教徒都知道,真正世界佛教最高領袖,除了佛陀, 任何大菩薩、大法王、大喇嘛、大法師, 均不夠格位列世界佛教最高領袖權座。特別是, 在當今整個佛教界裡面參差了許多非真實佛教性的偽假活佛、法師, 致使整個世界的佛教陷入了混沌迷亂。
對於傳統正規的佛教,也分密宗、顯宗、禪宗、淨土、大乘、 小乘等等幾十個宗派,無論哪一個宗派多高的法王、 大師也只能統領其自屬的宗派,而在自屬的宗派體系內, 卻又混進了大量的偽假活佛、法師,不通經教,純屬外行, 而冒稱高僧大德,因此, 致使釋迦牟尼佛創下的正規佛教在不知不覺中摻入了非佛教、 甚至邪說的教說,其主要原因是來源於當今沒有整個佛教的教主, 沒有最高掌持正教、正法者。
鑑於各宗派法王、祖師、大師均只能統領自屬的宗派, 不具備此合格道行證量作為整個佛教的統領, 而唯一只有佛陀身份是整個佛教統攝之皇, 猶如上帝統攝天主教的一切,予以指導總綱教義。 從釋迦牟尼佛史至今, 世界上真正被所有各大教派認證的佛陀只有一位,就是 H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛,其由各大教派領袖、法王、攝政王、 大活佛寫的認證書、附議賀函達一百多份, 成為史無二人的認證壯舉,特別是其實質性的佛陀證量、 五明高峰圓滿無缺,是整個佛教的第一人,無私德境受人愛敬, 其佛陀的本質、體質,也只有H.H.第三世多杰羌佛教皇一人具備 ,世界上沒有第二位佛教高僧大德圓滿具備。
「世界和平獎頒獎委員會」主席韓明洙與我,聯同「 世界和平獎宗教領袖授稱委員會」共同經過兩年的努力, 在嚴格細緻審查後正式通過,作出了最終永久不更變性的決定,於2 018年1月31日正式頒發世界佛教教皇冊封令及教皇權杖予H. H.第三世多杰羌佛,從此,H.H.第三世多杰羌佛即正式升座世 界佛教教皇權座。
因此,「世界和平獎頒獎委員會」及「 世界和平獎宗教領袖授稱委員會」在2018年1月正式冊封世界佛 教教皇為 H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛,但是,當時H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛教皇拒絕接受冊封接杖,其理由是:“佛教界有佛、 菩薩、法王、活佛、法師、高僧大德、聖德的稱謂,不需要教皇, 我是一個慚愧的修行者,擔當不了這個重任。”鑑於此, 世界佛教總部代H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛接受冊封,領走了權杖。
但是,H.H.第三世多杰羌佛將此冊封文及權杖退回「 世界和平獎頒獎委員會」及「世界和平獎宗教領袖授稱委員會」,「 世界和平獎頒獎委員會」及「世界和平獎宗教領袖授稱委員會」 認為,H.H.第三世多杰羌佛退回世界佛教教皇冊封令及權杖是不 合法度的,「世界和平獎頒獎委員會」及「 世界和平獎宗教領袖授稱委員會」已經是經過了認真嚴肅審查, 決定冊封了的佛教教皇,絕不能不嚴謹而收回,這是兩會的決定, 而不是H.H.第三世多杰羌佛個人自己能決定的。
幾十年來,本會給裡根總統、印度聖雄甘地、 拉賓總理以及很多國家的總統、總理頒授了世界和平獎, 從沒有退回的先例, 凡是本會做出的決定並已經實施了的,是十分嚴肅認真的決定, 絕不予以更改。故「世界和平獎頒獎委員會」及「 世界和平獎宗教領袖授稱委員會」就此事作出終極聲明:H.H. 第三世多杰羌佛教皇退回教皇權杖及冊封令的做法是不成立的, 世界佛教教皇權座只屬於H.H.第三世多杰羌佛, 其他任何人不得使用,此為永久性不可更變的定論!
附件1. 世界日報 World Journal - 世界和平獎頒獎委員會暨授稱委員會- 對H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的世界佛教教皇冊封是無可變更的_9- 26-2020
附件2. ETtoday 新聞雲_世界和平獎頒獎委員會暨授稱委員會: 對H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的世界佛教教皇冊封是無可變更的_9- 24-2020
附件 3. Asian Journal--The World Peace Prize Awarding Council Together with Religious Leaders Title Awarding_9-26-2020
附件4. Yahoo News 雅虎新聞_The Return of the Pope of Buddhism Scepter by His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III was Rejected_9-27-2020
附件 5. 對南無第三世多杰羌佛佛教教皇的部分媒體報導 Some of the News Media Coverage on the Pope of Buddhism His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III
On September 24, 2020, the Chairperson of both the World Peace Prize Awarding Council and the World Peace Prize Religious Leaders Title Awarding Council Suzi Leggett announced the ultimate resolution of the two Councils at the Holy Miracles Temple of the World Buddhism Association Headquarters: “The return of the conferment decree and the Pope of Buddhism Scepter by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is not effectible. The title, status, and authority of the Pope of Buddhism belong only to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, and cannot be exercised by anyone else.”
In 2018, after extensive vetting, the World Peace Prize Awarding Council and the World Peace Prize Religious Leaders Title Awarding Council officially conferred the title of Pope of Buddhism to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. The conferment decree and the Pope of Buddhism Scepter was signed and presented by the then Chairperson of the two Councils Han Min Su. Nonetheless, to everyone’s surprise, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was totally unmoved by the noble status and tremendous honor that came with the Pope of Buddhism title, and did not accept the conferment. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III said: “Within the field of Buddhism, there are Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. There are titles of Dharma kings, rinpoches, Dharma masters, eminent monastics, greatly virtuous persons, and Holy Gurus. There is no need for a Pope. I am a humble cultivator. I am not able to take on such a heavy responsibility.”
When the World Buddhism Association Headquarters presented the conferment decree and the Pope of Buddhism Scepter that they received to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, His Holiness the Buddha saw that there was a seated statuette of Namo Shakyamuni Buddha on the Scepter and immediately raised the Scepter above His own head to show respect to Namo Shakyamuni Buddha, the Lord of Buddhism of the saha world. No one would have anticipated that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III actually returned the conferment decree and Pope Scepter directly to the two Councils.
In today’s announcement, Chairperson Suzi Leggett said: “Over the past several decades, the World Peace Prize Awarding Council has presented the World Peace Prize to President Ronald Reagan, Hon. Mahatma Gandhi, H.E. Yitzhak Rabin, and presidents and prime ministers of other nations. There has never been a precedence of retraction. All determinations made and implemented by our Councils are very solemn, serious, and absolutely cannot be changed…The return of the conferment decree and Scepter of the Pope of Buddhism by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is deemed not effectible. The title, status, and authority of the Pope of Buddhism belong only to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, and cannot be exercised by anyone else. This is a permanent and unalterable determination!” Despite the fact that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III still would not accept the conferment, Chairperson Leggett once again presented to the World Buddhism Association Headquarters the conferment decree and Pope Scepter that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III previously returned.
Venerable Mozhi Rinpoche represented the World Buddhism Association Headquarters to receive the conferment decree and Pope Scepter signifying the conferment of the title of Pope of Buddhism by the two Councils to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. He said, “The World Buddhism Association Headquarters considers the decision made by the two Councils to be a remarkably proper and sagacious. Ever since Namo Shakyamuni Buddha entered parinirvana, there has not been a supreme leader who has the authority to guide all Buddhists the same way that the Buddha did. However, the authoritative position of the Pope of Buddhism certainly is not a role that a leader of a single Buddhist sect would have the attributes to fulfill; rather, the Pope must be a leader who has authority over the entirety of Buddhism, namely, a Buddha. Namo H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III holds the perfect teachings of Buddhism and meets the criteria used by all Buddhist sects to recognize a Buddha. His inherent nature is that of a Buddha, His unsurpassed, complete, and perfect enlightenment is that of a Buddha, and His state of virtue is that of a Buddha. Just based the accomplishment of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III in Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform, surpassing His own base weight standard by 59 levels, no one can possibly match such a record. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III also has perfect mastery of Exoteric and Esoteric Buddhism, perfect accomplishments in the Five Vidyas, and so forth, all of which truly are attributes of the perfect enlightenment of a Buddha. No other Buddhist Holy Guru in this world possesses such qualities.
“Just by the facts that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III vowed to benefit living beings purely on a voluntary basis and does not accept any offerings throughout His entire life, and that He possesses perfect wisdom and unimpeded accomplishments, no other Holy Guru can be of comparison. Only Namo H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III can take on this immensely noble, holy, and heavy responsibility of the Pope of Buddhism, to properly guide Buddhists onto the correct path of learning Buddhism. Therefore, on behalf of Buddhists, the World Buddhism Association Headquarters thanks the World Peace Prize Awarding Council and the World Peace Prize Religious Leader Title Awarding Council for having made the ultimate decision.”
Below is the statement announced by Suzi Leggett, the Chairperson of the World Peace Prize Awarding Council and World Peace Prize Religious Leaders Title Awarding Council:
Within the traditions and formal systems of Buddhism, there are several dozen sects, such as Esoteric, Exoteric, Zen, Pure Land, Mahayana, Theravada, and so forth. Regardless of how high the status of a Dharma king or a great master of any school may be, such a person can only lead their own school. Besides, each school of the sectarian system has also been infiltrated by a great number of fake rinpoches and fake Dharma masters. These people are amateurs who do not understand Buddhist teachings in the Sutras; yet they feign to be greatly virtuous people or eminent monastics. Thereupon, gradually and inconspicuously, evil and non-Buddhists teachings have been mixed into authentic Buddhism founded by Shakyamuni Buddha. This is mainly because there is currently no preeminent leader in the entirety of Buddhism. There is no supreme leader of authority to take hold of true Buddhist teachings and true Buddha Dharma.
Since a Dharma king, patriarch, or great master of any school can only lead their own school, none of them is eligible, either in virtue or realization power, to be the authoritative leader of the entirety of Buddhism. Only a Buddha can be the King of the entirety of Buddhism and the authority in all Buddhist teachings and principles, in the same way the God in Christianity has authority over the entirety of Catholicism. Ever since Buddhist history in this world began with Shakyamuni Buddha, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is the only Buddha who has truly been recognized by all major sects of Buddhism. A total of more than 100 documents of recognitions, corroborations, and congratulations have been formally issued by Buddhist leaders, Dharma kings, regent Dharma kings and great rinpoches of all major sects. Such a feat of recognition has never been achieved by anyone else in the history of Buddhism.
In particular, the Pope of Buddhism H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is the first person in Buddhism to possess substantive holy realization power of a Buddha and perfectly flawless accomplishments at the pinnacle of the Five Vidyas. His selfless state of virtue is revered by all. His Holiness the Pope of Buddhism is also the one and only who possesses the inherent nature and physical constitution of a Buddha that no other eminent Buddhist monastic or virtuous person in this world has so perfectly attained.
After the Chairpersons of the World Peace Prize Awarding Council Han Min Su and myself, as well as the
However, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III returned the conferment decree and Pope Scepter to the World Peace Prize Awarding Council and the World Peace Prize Religious Leaders Title Awarding Council. The two Councils deem the return of the conferment decree and Scepter to be unjustifiable. The conferring of the title of Pope of Buddhism was a determination reached by both Councils after serious and solemn vetting, and the conferment has already been implemented. Under no circumstances can we be so lacking in rigorousness to accept the return of the conferment. This decision has been made by the two Councils. This is not a decision for H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III to make on his own.
Over the past several decades, the World Peace Prize Awarding Council has presented the World Peace Prize to President Ronald Reagan, Hon. Mahatma Gandhi, and H.E. Yitzhak Rabin, and presidents and prime ministers of other nations. There has never been a precedence of retraction. All determinations made and implemented by our Councils are very solemn, serious, and absolutely cannot be changed. Therefore, the World Peace Prize Awarding Council and the World Peace Prize Religious Leaders Title Awarding Council hereby issue our ultimate statement regarding this matter as follows: The return of the conferment decree and Scepter of the Pope of Buddhism by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is deemed not effectible. The title, status, and authority of the Pope of Buddhism belong only to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, and cannot be exercised by anyone else. This is a permanent and unalterable determination!
We wish that under the Pope of Buddhism H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, true Buddhism will greatly flourish, and the world will be greatly benefitted!
Attachment 1. World Journal世界日報- 世界和平獎頒獎委員會暨授稱委員會- 對H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的世界佛教教皇冊封是無可變更的_9- 26-2020
Attachment 2. ETtoday 新聞雲_世界和平獎頒獎委員會暨授稱委員會: 對H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的世界佛教教皇冊封是無可變更的_9- 24-2020
Attachment 3. Asian Journal--The World Peace Prize Awarding Council Together with Religious Leaders Title Awarding_9-26-2020
Attachment 4. Yahoo News 雅虎新聞_The Return of the Pope of Buddhism Scepter by His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III was Rejected_9-27-2020
Attachment 5. Some of the News Media Coverage on the Pope of Buddhism His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III 對南無第三世多杰羌佛佛教教皇的部分媒體報導
對H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的世界佛教教皇冊封是無可更變的, 本會拒絕退回冊封令
附件1. 世界日報 World Journal - 世界和平獎頒獎委員會暨授稱委員會- 對H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的世界佛教教皇冊封是無可變更的_9-
附件2. ETtoday 新聞雲_世界和平獎頒獎委員會暨授稱委員會: 對H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的世界佛教教皇冊封是無可變更的_9-
附件 3. Asian Journal--The World Peace Prize Awarding Council Together with Religious Leaders Title Awarding_9-26-2020
附件4. Yahoo News 雅虎新聞_The Return of the Pope of Buddhism Scepter by His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III was Rejected_9-27-2020
附件 5. 對南無第三世多杰羌佛佛教教皇的部分媒體報導 Some of the News Media Coverage on the Pope of Buddhism His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III
The World Peace Prize Awarding Council Together With Religious Leaders Title Awarding Council:
The Conferment of the Pope of Buddhism to His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III is Unchangeable
The Conferment of the Pope of Buddhism to His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III is Unchangeable
On September 24, 2020, the Chairperson of both the World Peace Prize Awarding Council and the World Peace Prize Religious Leaders Title Awarding Council Suzi Leggett announced the ultimate resolution of the two Councils at the Holy Miracles Temple of the World Buddhism Association Headquarters: “The return of the conferment decree and the Pope of Buddhism Scepter by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is not effectible. The title, status, and authority of the Pope of Buddhism belong only to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, and cannot be exercised by anyone else.”
In 2018, after extensive vetting, the World Peace Prize Awarding Council and the World Peace Prize Religious Leaders Title Awarding Council officially conferred the title of Pope of Buddhism to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. The conferment decree and the Pope of Buddhism Scepter was signed and presented by the then Chairperson of the two Councils Han Min Su. Nonetheless, to everyone’s surprise, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III was totally unmoved by the noble status and tremendous honor that came with the Pope of Buddhism title, and did not accept the conferment. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III said: “Within the field of Buddhism, there are Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. There are titles of Dharma kings, rinpoches, Dharma masters, eminent monastics, greatly virtuous persons, and Holy Gurus. There is no need for a Pope. I am a humble cultivator. I am not able to take on such a heavy responsibility.”
When the World Buddhism Association Headquarters presented the conferment decree and the Pope of Buddhism Scepter that they received to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, His Holiness the Buddha saw that there was a seated statuette of Namo Shakyamuni Buddha on the Scepter and immediately raised the Scepter above His own head to show respect to Namo Shakyamuni Buddha, the Lord of Buddhism of the saha world. No one would have anticipated that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III actually returned the conferment decree and Pope Scepter directly to the two Councils.
In today’s announcement, Chairperson Suzi Leggett said: “Over the past several decades, the World Peace Prize Awarding Council has presented the World Peace Prize to President Ronald Reagan, Hon. Mahatma Gandhi, H.E. Yitzhak Rabin, and presidents and prime ministers of other nations. There has never been a precedence of retraction. All determinations made and implemented by our Councils are very solemn, serious, and absolutely cannot be changed…The return of the conferment decree and Scepter of the Pope of Buddhism by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is deemed not effectible. The title, status, and authority of the Pope of Buddhism belong only to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, and cannot be exercised by anyone else. This is a permanent and unalterable determination!” Despite the fact that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III still would not accept the conferment, Chairperson Leggett once again presented to the World Buddhism Association Headquarters the conferment decree and Pope Scepter that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III previously returned.
Venerable Mozhi Rinpoche represented the World Buddhism Association Headquarters to receive the conferment decree and Pope Scepter signifying the conferment of the title of Pope of Buddhism by the two Councils to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. He said, “The World Buddhism Association Headquarters considers the decision made by the two Councils to be a remarkably proper and sagacious. Ever since Namo Shakyamuni Buddha entered parinirvana, there has not been a supreme leader who has the authority to guide all Buddhists the same way that the Buddha did. However, the authoritative position of the Pope of Buddhism certainly is not a role that a leader of a single Buddhist sect would have the attributes to fulfill; rather, the Pope must be a leader who has authority over the entirety of Buddhism, namely, a Buddha. Namo H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III holds the perfect teachings of Buddhism and meets the criteria used by all Buddhist sects to recognize a Buddha. His inherent nature is that of a Buddha, His unsurpassed, complete, and perfect enlightenment is that of a Buddha, and His state of virtue is that of a Buddha. Just based the accomplishment of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III in Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform, surpassing His own base weight standard by 59 levels, no one can possibly match such a record. H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III also has perfect mastery of Exoteric and Esoteric Buddhism, perfect accomplishments in the Five Vidyas, and so forth, all of which truly are attributes of the perfect enlightenment of a Buddha. No other Buddhist Holy Guru in this world possesses such qualities.
“Just by the facts that H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III vowed to benefit living beings purely on a voluntary basis and does not accept any offerings throughout His entire life, and that He possesses perfect wisdom and unimpeded accomplishments, no other Holy Guru can be of comparison. Only Namo H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III can take on this immensely noble, holy, and heavy responsibility of the Pope of Buddhism, to properly guide Buddhists onto the correct path of learning Buddhism. Therefore, on behalf of Buddhists, the World Buddhism Association Headquarters thanks the World Peace Prize Awarding Council and the World Peace Prize Religious Leader Title Awarding Council for having made the ultimate decision.”
Below is the statement announced by Suzi Leggett, the Chairperson of the World Peace Prize Awarding Council and World Peace Prize Religious Leaders Title Awarding Council:
The Conferment of the Pope of Buddhism to
His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III is Unchangeable,
The Return of the Conferment Decree is Deemed Not Effectible
The field of Buddhism in today’s world is rather chaotic, there need to be a preeminent Buddhist leader of authority to lead and correctly point Buddhists to the right direction. All Buddhists know that other than a Buddha, no great Bodhisattva, great Dharma king, great lama, or great Dharma master is qualified to hold the title and status of authority to be the world’s highest leader of Buddhism. In particular, the entire field of Buddhism has now been infiltrated by many fake rinpoches and fake Dharma masters who are not true Buddhists. As a result, Buddhism all over the world has fallen into a state of chaos and confusion.His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III is Unchangeable,
The Return of the Conferment Decree is Deemed Not Effectible
Within the traditions and formal systems of Buddhism, there are several dozen sects, such as Esoteric, Exoteric, Zen, Pure Land, Mahayana, Theravada, and so forth. Regardless of how high the status of a Dharma king or a great master of any school may be, such a person can only lead their own school. Besides, each school of the sectarian system has also been infiltrated by a great number of fake rinpoches and fake Dharma masters. These people are amateurs who do not understand Buddhist teachings in the Sutras; yet they feign to be greatly virtuous people or eminent monastics. Thereupon, gradually and inconspicuously, evil and non-Buddhists teachings have been mixed into authentic Buddhism founded by Shakyamuni Buddha. This is mainly because there is currently no preeminent leader in the entirety of Buddhism. There is no supreme leader of authority to take hold of true Buddhist teachings and true Buddha Dharma.
Since a Dharma king, patriarch, or great master of any school can only lead their own school, none of them is eligible, either in virtue or realization power, to be the authoritative leader of the entirety of Buddhism. Only a Buddha can be the King of the entirety of Buddhism and the authority in all Buddhist teachings and principles, in the same way the God in Christianity has authority over the entirety of Catholicism. Ever since Buddhist history in this world began with Shakyamuni Buddha, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is the only Buddha who has truly been recognized by all major sects of Buddhism. A total of more than 100 documents of recognitions, corroborations, and congratulations have been formally issued by Buddhist leaders, Dharma kings, regent Dharma kings and great rinpoches of all major sects. Such a feat of recognition has never been achieved by anyone else in the history of Buddhism.
In particular, the Pope of Buddhism H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is the first person in Buddhism to possess substantive holy realization power of a Buddha and perfectly flawless accomplishments at the pinnacle of the Five Vidyas. His selfless state of virtue is revered by all. His Holiness the Pope of Buddhism is also the one and only who possesses the inherent nature and physical constitution of a Buddha that no other eminent Buddhist monastic or virtuous person in this world has so perfectly attained.
After the Chairpersons of the World Peace Prize Awarding Council Han Min Su and myself, as well as the
World Peace Prize Religious Leader Title Awarding Council spent two years vigorously examining all evidences in great detail, we have formally made the ultimate, permanent, and irreversible determination that on January 31, 2018, the conferment decree and the Scepter of the Pope of Buddhism were to be presented to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III. That date signified the official ascent of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III to the authoritative throne of the Pope of Buddhism.
The World Peace Prize Awarding Council and the World Peace Prize Religious Leaders Title Awarding Council had officially conferred the title of the Pope of Buddhism to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III in January 2018. However, at that time, the Pope of Buddhism H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III refused to accept the conferment decree and the Pope Scepter, stating His reasons being: “Within the field of Buddhism, there are Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. There are titles of Dharma kings, rinpoches, Dharma masters, eminent monastics, greatly virtuous persons, and Holy Gurus. There is no need for a Pope. I am a humble cultivator. I am not able to take on such a heavy responsibility.” In light of this, the World Buddhism Association Headquarters took the liberty to accept the conferment decree and the Pope Scepter for H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III.However, H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III returned the conferment decree and Pope Scepter to the World Peace Prize Awarding Council and the World Peace Prize Religious Leaders Title Awarding Council. The two Councils deem the return of the conferment decree and Scepter to be unjustifiable. The conferring of the title of Pope of Buddhism was a determination reached by both Councils after serious and solemn vetting, and the conferment has already been implemented. Under no circumstances can we be so lacking in rigorousness to accept the return of the conferment. This decision has been made by the two Councils. This is not a decision for H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III to make on his own.
Over the past several decades, the World Peace Prize Awarding Council has presented the World Peace Prize to President Ronald Reagan, Hon. Mahatma Gandhi, and H.E. Yitzhak Rabin, and presidents and prime ministers of other nations. There has never been a precedence of retraction. All determinations made and implemented by our Councils are very solemn, serious, and absolutely cannot be changed. Therefore, the World Peace Prize Awarding Council and the World Peace Prize Religious Leaders Title Awarding Council hereby issue our ultimate statement regarding this matter as follows: The return of the conferment decree and Scepter of the Pope of Buddhism by H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III is deemed not effectible. The title, status, and authority of the Pope of Buddhism belong only to H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, and cannot be exercised by anyone else. This is a permanent and unalterable determination!
We wish that under the Pope of Buddhism H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, true Buddhism will greatly flourish, and the world will be greatly benefitted!
Attachment 2. ETtoday 新聞雲_世界和平獎頒獎委員會暨授稱委員會: 對H.H.第三世多杰羌佛的世界佛教教皇冊封是無可變更的_9-
Attachment 3. Asian Journal--The World Peace Prize Awarding Council Together with Religious Leaders Title Awarding_9-26-2020
Attachment 4. Yahoo News 雅虎新聞_The Return of the Pope of Buddhism Scepter by His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III was Rejected_9-27-2020
Attachment 5. Some of the News Media Coverage on the Pope of Buddhism His Holiness Dorje Chang Buddha III 對南無第三世多杰羌佛佛教教皇的部分媒體報導
【臺灣時報】 記者林福來報導/世界佛教教皇-南無第三世多杰羌佛