The Exam of Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform

February 9, 2020 (Los Angeles) In the Great Hall of Shakyamuni Buddha at the Holy Miracles Temple, a Dharma assembly about the true realization power of Buddha Dharma was held: The Exam of Lifting the Pestle onto the Platform. The purpose of this exam is to evaluate and distinguish the actual realization power among cultivators who learn from Buddha to cultivate themselves based on the degree of change in the physique and structure of their bodies. Unexpectedly, this Exam inadvertently required the involvement of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III who could not refuse the request to resolve a difficult situation.



恭迎 南無觀世音菩薩聖誕法會

 恭迎 南無觀世音菩薩聖誕法會     以大慈大悲,救苦救難而為世人熟知的南無觀世音菩薩,於無量劫前已成佛,號「正法明如來」。因菩提悲心聖願現千手千眼,倒駕慈航,應化娑婆。      南無觀世音菩薩聖誕即將來臨。 世界佛教總部(W.B.A.H.)、聖蹟寺(Holy Miracle...